Self-Leadership Xtreme

Reclaim Control, Clarity and Balance in Business and Life.

Every man a leader. Leading himself first, before leading others. Become part of the leaders community.


SELF-LEADERSHIP XTREME (SLX) empowers you to be the most Powerful Leader of your Life. Through Training and Community.

Reclaiming Control, Clarity and Balance in your Business and Life through cultivating authentic Self-Leadership

As men we are used to carry the Challenges of Business and Life alone on our shoulders. Not in SLX.

Once accepted into the program, you become part of a unique Community of Leaders.

Powerful Men who are dedicated to embrace and practice the principles of Self-Leadership.

Lifting their Business and Life to the next level. Every single day.

Being part of this community requires each leader to contribute to the joint learning experience while providing accountability and support for others.

Next to several live training events in different parts of the world, SLX offers weekly live online classes.  The areas covered are Being, Body, Belonging and Becoming.

Each area is essential to cultivate authentic self-leadership.


Your state-of-being drives everything else.

Yet, the majority of men place their focus predominantely on outside factors, especially on work.

It usually starts with rushing through the various layers of education. Completing university as fast as possible to embark on the never ending money-making-game.

Once hired or having started one’s own business, the constant hustle begins. Targeting the next project or promotion. Climbing that career ladder as fast as possible. Increasing the revenue to the next level. Getting more investors on board. Outperforming the competition. Growing the business as fast as possible. Getting that IPO done and dusted. Eventually securing a management buyout.

Then it happens.

Inner Emptiness persists. The most dreaded question repeats itself over and over again: »What’s next?!« Realizing you have climbed the wrong mountain. A mountain that was never yours to climb in the first place. Fu*k! 

Who set you out on that path? You cannot even remember. Your soul knows. But you never fu*king listened. Instead you kept yourself sedated and distracted. With work. Alcohol. Food. Sex. You name it. The kinda sh*t that’s happening to weak men without purpose.

That’s why the State-of-Being is the most important pillar to work on first.

Setting the Foundation. Aligning the Inner Compass. Opening up the pathway for a never ending source of energy to flow.

Once the State-of-Being is aligned, an almost unlimited Pathway to Power opens up. Being drives everything. Your motivation to workout. Your willingness to go the extra mile in terms of nutrition. A powerful being would never allow its body to become weak and rusty. It would never fuel its body with junk risking health issues to appear.

Your being also powers your readiness to create time and space to be with your spouse, your family, your friends. 

Your powerful state-of-being will empower you in taking all necessary decisions for your business, your career.

Your being drives you towards creating your legacy, destined to survive you. To continue your mission once you have left your body. A powerful being comes together with accepting and embracing who you truly are.  

Never neglecting your authentic self for anything or anybody. To work on one’s state-of-being is not a simple quick fix. It goes way beyond the usual training of one’s mindset. Most men are not ready for that. Are you?


A strong mind lives in a strong body. 
Driven by your powerful state-of-being, you will leave no doubt that your body becomes your fortress. Making health issues a thing of the past. Providing you with a strong, flexible, enduring vessel with the ability to serve and protect. Nothing less is required to carry men through an authentic life of purpose. In practical terms, this pillar deals with exercise, mobility, endurance, nutrition, sleep, rest and recovery.  Easier said than done!


Being present in all your relationships.
Belonging deals with all relationships in your life. From your spouse to your children, your extended family, your colleagues, your friends as well as your ancestors. The latter are usually neglected while one is wondering why specific patterns continue to show up in daily life.

Relationships require not only specific communication skills but also emotional intelligence and empathy. Again, in order to sense and communicate, you need to be centered in your being. Otherwise you will only communicate from your role or position and not your authentic self. Once that shift happens you will see your relationships thrive on a whole new level.

Your legacy.

What do you want to leave behind? What skills do you need to achieve that? Which role does your business, your career play to create that legacy?

You have the power to write your own story. Do not waste your time living a lie. Do not waste your time living someone else’s life.

You see, Becoming also covers what you do for a living. Have you noticed though, that it comes way further down the line in terms of prioritization?

Without a solid foundation, grounded in your true state-of-being, you only keep on climbing the wrong mountains. You will make money. Sure. Meaningless money. Paid for with your blood, sweat and tears. That’s exhausting. Sucking precious  energy out of you. Creating a true legacy will draw energy to you. You might be tired at the end of the day. But you will fall asleep with a smile on your face.



Enhanced self-leadership training will be delivered through weekly live online classes (3 available classes weekly: Being, Body & Belonging/Becoming). To integrate the teachings, regular (self-)leadership challenges have to be accomplished. Participants will be held accountable for their progress.  

Each Live Event is inclusive of 4 months of online classes to prepare accordingly.


The program offers regular live events for community leaders to practive and improve their self-leadership skills even further. The locations are mainly in Europe, but are constantly evolving to adopt to the global nature of the community.

This training lasts for 2.5 days in which participants will be exposed to the foundations of self-leadership, self-efficacy and stress management.

The workshop will include physical exercise, martial arts, mindfulness training, classroom lectures and outdoor activities on mountain trails.

The workshop is run regularily around the year to facillitate a flexible start for the program.

April - September
  • Austrian Alps
  • Pyrenees, Northern Spain

October - March
  • Canary Islands
  • Austrian Alps (Snow Shoe Base Camp)
2) CRITICAL DECISION-MAKING (CDM) - Berlin / Copenhagen
Over the course of 2.5 days you will train in a Boeing B737 Full-Flight Simulator.

The theory part will cover critical decision making, usage of standard operating procedures, checklists, memory items and non-normal checklists.

A real life business scenario will be used to demonstrate how cockpit critical decision making can be utilized in business situations. Thereafter participants will split into crews of two "pilots". Each crew then practices procedures in a cockpit mockup together with an instructor.

Once procedures are rehearsed, crews will head to the full flight simulator to apply what they have learned. During 60 minutes of full flight simulation, real scenarios including engine failures, fires and evacuation drills will be trained. During each maneuver ciritical decision making will have to be demonstrated.

Each crew member will have 30 minutes at the controls (Pilot Flying - PF) and 30 minutes as "Pilot not Flying" (PNF). Depending on the situation the PNF can be more busy and challenged than the pilot at the controls (PF).

The training is conducted by certified Airline Type Rating Instructors.


“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.”  — C.G. Jung

Our life consists of systems. We are born into a family system. We grow up in a village/city/community system. Being part of a society (system). Which is inside a national country (system). We are being taught in school and university: The education system. Going to work for a company or corporate system. Or starting our own company (system). Along the way we eventually fall in love with another being. Joining family systems.

You see, everything is connected. Whatever we do (or don't do) has an immediate impact on all systems we are part of.

In SLT you will look at your systems from the systemic perspective, the birds eye view.

You will setup systemic constellations reflecting two challenges in your life: A business system and a personal system.

This training is highly demanding for many leaders as it not only challenges the conscious mind, but it makes the unconscious visible and allows interaction with it to answer the most pressing questions. Questions that the majority of leaders might have ocassionally felt, but never dared to express.

SLT not only brings out these questions into the open, but allows leaders to actively engage with them to find the answers that have so far been hidden from them.

SLT requires leaders to be humble. To step up with a quiet and clear mind. To face their most challenging life questions with dignity and respect.

This requires a specific environment, enabling participants to leave their worldly  identity behind for a while: Titles, achievments, wealth, fame. Only to name a few.

Therefore this training is held in selected monasteries (mainly Germany and Austria) with certified facilitators in systemic leadership.

4) MINDSET TRAINING (MST) (Germany / Spain / Nepal and more)

Ancient warrior cultures (Spartans, Samurai) had rituals in place that provided powerful men with the ability to quiet the mind. Being fully present in the here and now. 

That level of focus allowed these warriors not only to succeed on the battlefield, but also to be present fathers, husbands and valued members of their communities.

Modern life with all it's distraction makes it difficult to achieve a state of present awareness within a quiet mind.

Hence, MST is one of the most challenging trainings in the SLX framework.

Participants will embark on a 12 day journey in a remote setting of which 10 days will be spent in silence and mediation.

You will not speak or engage with anybody, even through gestures, for 10 days. You will not look anybody straight into the eyes for 10 days. You leave all your belongings behind. No phone, no watch, no reading material.

You will give up everything that your mind could try clinging onto.

A dedicated team on site will ensure providing you with a unique environment of silence to make this experience possible in our noisy, modern world.

To remain totally focussed, all logistics will be provided during this experience (food, accomodation, notifications for wake-up, to attend seatings, meals etc.)

SLX SUMMIT PUSH (SLSP) - 7 days to apply what you have learned

This "Graduation Challenge" is only available to participants how have completed all previous modules. 

Mental and physical fitness is an absolut must for Summit Push.

It will take 7 days to complete.

Available scenarios (options below) will be communicated once they become available for sign-up every quarter.

April - September Scenarios:
  • Crossing the Alps from Innsbruck (Austria) to Meran (Italy)
  • Crossing the Pyrenees (French-Spanish Border)
October - March Scenarios: 
  • Hiking across one (or several) of the Canary Islands.
  • Climbing a Volcano (>3500m)
Over these 7 days participants will be able to apply everything that has been trained and integrated to this point.

The path to the summit will allow participants to meet different parts of themselves. Parts one rarely get to see, because these are usually hidden underneath the titles or positions one holds: Being an executive, a manager, a colleague, a husband, a partner, a father, a son.

Nature will be the counterpart in this experience. The Xtreme Resolve team will create the space for that encounter to happen safely. In the most stunning nature environment.


The journey to evolve never ends.

After Summit Push has been  achieved, participants become SLX Graduates.

Graduates not only have ongoing access to  every SLX Live Call, but also to exclusive Training Events.


Xtreme Self-Leadership demands a lot from the participants. Physcially and mentally. 

SLX is not another online program that you buy and forget. Instead, you will remember it for the rest of your life. Because it will shape your life.

Next to having a basic level of fitness, it requires a specific mindset and attitude

In order to evaluate the match between potential participants and the program, a free strategy call is required as prerequisite before being accepted into the program's probation period. As part of the call, the program will be explained in more depth and questions will be adressed.

Should you'll accepted to proceed, you will have a 4 month probation period. This allows you to test the online program as well as participating in one live event, except SUMMIT PUSH (SLSP). At the same time, your presence and contribution to the community will be under review by community leaders.

At the end of the probation period, the community as well as yourself have to make a decision. Only if both parties give a GO, you will be accepted to continue the programm. Fair play. Full transparancy. Zero Bullshit.

You can apply for your free strategy call by clicking the button below.
