Lead Life by learning how to lead yourself.

How authentic Self-Leadership allows you to regain control, clarity and balance in business and life.

In this Video Training you will learn...

  • How the most important Foundation of Self-Leadership is missed by the majority of leaders. Consequently leading to Challenges such as Sickness, Divorce as well as  impacting Professional and Business Performance.
  • How a consciously cultivated State of Being empowers leaders to regain Control, Clarity and Balance in life and business. Resulting in effortless Performance without exhausting oneself or others.
  • How authentic Self-Leadership Tools help to cultivate next level Performance. Shifting from Pain to Power. From Distraction to Focus. From  Overwhelm to Calm. From Isolation to Connection
  • How Embracing the Path of authentic Self-Leadership, by joining Powerful Network of like-minded leaders, results in an all-time High of Accountability and Achievment.
Click the button below to choose a date and time to watch this free video training. Provide yourself with 47 minutes of laser-sharp focus for it.

Martin Stork - Expert for Self-Leadership

"Now is the best time to regain control of your life, instead of only being a busy observer."

What others say

Jacob R.


"Doing the work“ with Martin has given me a new connection to myself. Through his guidance, I have found access to a certain scarce kind of calm and serenity that allows me to take control and navigate to where I really want to be.

Thorsten G.


"What do I take away for myself? First and foremost I was given the tools to lead myself. To generate performance without exhausting myself and others."
