Free Guide: Authentic Self-Leadership.

Regain Control, Clarity and Balance in Business and Life.

  • Take the self-assessment to face your facts.
  • Learn about the 4 pillars for a balanced life of top-performance.
  • Find out what nobody taught you in business school or university: Two ultimate hacks to regain control.

This guide is not for everyone...

Specifically two kinds of top performers will benefit from it:

  • You feel emotionally and physically f'd up, although you secured your dream job and are admired by many.
  • "Is this is really it" has become the prominent question in your life, although you have graduated from one of the world's finest universities with flying flags; assuming that's all you need to have a bright, successful future ahead of you.
  • A part of you feels that there must be more to life than just grinding day in and day out, but you don’t know how to get there.
  • You have realized that if you don’t do anything about it now, you are likely to end up in the same pit like the people you see day in and day out. The ones who are constantly stressed out, in danger of their next heart attack, drinking too much to overcome their inner emptiness, being confronted with divorce or break-up on a regular basis.
  • You are getting more and more aware that lasting happiness has not been part of your life so far, although your career has been skyrocketing and you have generated great levels of wealth.
  • Your health issues are getting more and more severe as you have ignored your body for too long.
  • Your emotional well being is almost non-existent and you are trying every trick in the book to distract yourself.
  • Your (romantic) relationship is on the brink of failure. Repeating the same patterns over and over again. Your significant other is more than unhappy with your relationship.
  •  You regret you did neither have the courage nor a plan to take action to change when you first noticed the creeping effects of these f**k up factors 20 years ago when you were still a junior performer.

What You'll Discover

A systematic approach from f'd up to being on fire. Living a powerful life fuelled by your state of being.


The inner state that drives everything else. The majority of people mistakenly place the focus on work and business first and wonder why their "being" is f*d up.


A strong mind lives in a strong body. There is no way around it.


Being present in all your relationships is a skill that can be learned.  Even if you are a member of "generation Tik-Tok".


There is more to life than working your ass off, making tons of money and die. Once you discover your reason for being here and the feeling that comes with it, you will understand.

Ready to regain control?

Download the guide. Take the self assessment. Learn how authentic self-leadership empowers you holistically in business and life.

"My Mission is to train Leaders in Authentic Self-Leadship. Changing the World.
One Leader at a time." 
- Martin Stork

Martin, the founder of Xtreme Resolve, has spent two decades in the aviation industry as a pilot, safety manager and high-level contract negotiator.

At 26 years old he became the youngest captain at the largest private jet operator of the world. Royals and executives have entrusted him with their lives when boarding the jet under his command.

He is used to serving and challenging people who are not used to being challenged. Being challenged himself by personal circumstances across several domains, he embarked on a journey to explore deeper “states-of-being” and human performance. Along the way, he became an ultra-trail runner, a human potential and business coach, as well as a certified mountain hiking guide.

Martin created Self-Leadership Xtreme to pass on what he had discovered on his journey to lead himself. Something that took him 15 years to figure out.

Therefore, Self-Leadership Xtreme is effectively collapsing your timeline. To lead life by learning how to lead yourself. Once and for all. In the most efficient and effective way possible. Being part of the most powerful community of leaders.

What others say

"Doing the work“ has given me a new connection with my state-of-being. I found access to a certain scarce kind of calm and serenity that allows me to take control and navigate to where I really want to be.

Jakob R.

Managing Director

What do I take away for myself? First and foremost I was given the tools to lead myself. To generate performance without exhausting myself and others.

Thorsten G.

Team Leader

I had hit the famous invisible wall. The first thing I had to learn was letting go of control. Facing uncertainty. Facing “the work” I have avoided for years. What a challenge and relief at the same time.

Christoph V.


There were only two worlds for me: the past or the future. “Here and now” did not exist for me. I was running from my past. Trying to control the future. Constantly. Completely neglecting my needs, my family, my friends. Never being present with anybody. Especially the people I love the most. It was devastating. I was shown what the "now" really means. Being present. Leaving constant exhaustion behind. Living a balanced, fulfilling life.

Paul W.


What are you waiting for?

Download the Guide and regain Control in Business and Life through Authentic Self-Leadership,
